
Infinite Library


Our top 4 tools

Bulk deal
Quantity Discount Discounted price
1 - $480.00
2 35.484% $309.68
3 55.645% $212.90
4 65.726% $164.52
5 71.774% $135.48
6 75% $120.00
7 77.823% $106.45
8 80.242% $94.84
9 82.258% $85.16
10 83.871% $77.42
11 - 20 85.484% $69.68
21 - 40 86.694% $63.87
41 - 60 87.097% $61.93
61 - 80 87.903% $58.07
81 - 100 88.71% $54.19
101 - 150 89.113% $52.26
151 - 200 89.516% $50.32
201 - 1000 90.323% $46.45
Bulk pricing will be applied to package:


This Library contains the top 4 Tools in the CADSWIFT offerings at a 50% DISCOUNT!!

  1. Infinite Openings
  2. Infinite Ceilings
  3. Infinite Joinery
  4. Infinite Gutter Plus

Compatible with version 21 onwards